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Wednesday 26 September from 11.00 to 14.00 at WindEnergy Hamburg – booth B1.EG.407 at DEIF Wind Power Technology in the Danish Pavilion

At WindEnergy Hamburg, you can meet our combined team of experts from the retrofit market and receive expert knowledge on where to start with your business case. We are ready to advise you according to your assets whether you want to know more about you opportunities for life extension, upgrade solution or re-blading etc.. Experts from NABLA Wind Power, eTa Blades, and DEIF Wind Power Technology will gather to discuss end-to-end solutions and share know-how with owners on upgrades, life extension, and redevelopment of wind turbines.

Increase AEP. Extend lifetime. Improve performance. 

The experts will discuss lifetime extension, re-blading, and performance improvement. The event is for asset owners looking for opportunities for extracting additional value from their assets via reduced operation and maintenance, extended life-cycle, and increased AEP by working with independent technology partners.

Retrofit expert companies:

eTa Blade Solutions: re-blading solutions

NABLA Wind Power life extension and performance improvement

DEIF Wind Power Technology: business plan development, retrofit specialists, turbine validation, test, and certification

The companies are partners on the WindGainHub platform which provides service and end-to-end solutions for asset re-development. With years of experience upgrading turbine models and brands, the experts are ready to share knowledge and hands-on experience from existing cases to support the possibilities for upgrading owners’ fleets.

Book a meeting or pass by for expert advice.

For pre-booked meeting and visitor tickets


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