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Our Design department, thanks to technology partners and own competences, is able to support customers on:

  • Identifying the most advanced aerodynamic and aero-elastics solutions suitable for their needs, both for blades for new turbine and re-blading programs
  • Perform noise calculation / Modal analysis in order for the new blades to be compliant with regulations / authorization constraints
  • Define the best Air-foil / Structural design to achieve the desired performance minimising operational risks and optimising manufacturing costs
  • Introduce passive load mitigation through bend-twist coupling

Design to Cost and Design to Performance are at the basis of Re-blading programs for which technical performance challenging targets considering economical results is needed.

Our Design department, thanks to technology partners and own competences, is able to support customers on:

  • Identifying the most advanced aerodynamic and aero-elastics solutions suitable for their needs, both for blades for new turbine and re-blading programs
  • Perform noise calculation / Modal analysis in order for the new blades to be compliant with regulations / authorization constraints
  • Define the best Air-foil / Structural design to achieve the desired performance minimising operational risks and optimising manufacturing costs
  • Introduce passive load mitigation through bend-twist coupling

Design to Cost and Design to Performance are at the basis of Re-blading programs for which technical performance challenging targets considering economical results is needed.

Our Partners

Aerodynamic blade design

The Energy research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN),  the independent, market oriented and innovative Dutch energy research institute, designs advanced air-foils for low wind class turbines, a crucial step in order to obtain competitive performances.

Structural Design

Gurit is our partner for structural design where it has a consolidated experience.Gurit has also developed a unique competence in covering both  infusion and prepreg blade technology, and is able to supply the complete Bill of Materials for a composite blade.

Controlled Bend-Twist

Politecnitco di Milano, one of the most important University in Italy, has extensively worked with eTa on controlled bend-twist. The Politecnico has own wind-gallery test facilities and is able to perform prototype testing on scaled models.

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