On April the 20, the Plenary Assembly of the MARLIC project was held. Marlic is the project that has been co-financed by the Marche Region and of which eTaBlades is a part.
The objective of Eta Blades in this regional platform is the development of solutions, in a circular economy perspective, relating to the reuse, recycling, recovery of thermosetting composite waste that will be used as raw and / or second materials for the same production. of origin or for different productions favoring industrial symbiosis.
An important moment of meeting and discussion, held in the presence of the ChIP, Chemistry Interdisciplinary Project, the innovative Research Center of the Camerino University, and opened with the greetings of the Rector, Prof. Claudio Pettinari who underlined the importance of a project like MARLIC and of the collaboration and synergy that is created between companies and the academic world.
The day also saw the participation of two welcome guests, Prof. Loris Giorgini, Bologna University and Dr. Andrea Cecchini, of ELANTAS Europe S.r.l., who presented their research, whose topics are included in the areas addressed below. projects carried out within our project: De Manufacturing and Bio Based Materials.
The results achieved so far and the activities relating to the future research laboratory were then exposed by the companies and research institutions.
«It was a day full of content and very interesting» said Giovanna Mangani, Project Manager at eTa Blades. «The project partners, companies and research institutions, have exhibited the results achieved so far for a shared comparison and there was a discussion on the activities relating to the future Research Laboratory. We contributed with a presentation of the activities developed, showing the first result of a prototype panel made with production waste ».
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