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On May 27th, Eta Blades will take part to the Industrial Symbiosis Table organized by ENEA as part of the MARLIC project.

The invitation to participate is aimed at companies in the Marche region, belonging to all production sectors, with the aim of encouraging the implementation of industrial symbiosis in the Marche

What is industrial symbiosis

Industrial symbiosis is a circular economy strategy, aimed at promoting innovative business models, which, through the transfer of resources (material, energy, water and / or by-products, skills, logistics, etc.) between industries belonging to sectors different production, lead to competitive advantages, as well as economic, environmental and social benefits for the companies that implement them and, more generally, for the territory in which they operate.

Among the main economic advantages for the company that sells surplus or waste resources are a reduction in annual costs linked to a lower production of waste or an increase in energy efficiency and a possible revenue in the event of the sale of by-products. or other types of resources. The company that uses the resources sold by a third company will instead benefit from a reduction in the procurement costs of raw materials, as it will use “secondary” resources, available on the market at a lower cost.

Among the environmental advantages it should be emphasized: a more efficient use of resources; less pressure on the environment, as there is a reduction in the demand for virgin raw materials and water, and the use of waste disposal in landfills.

Further information on the potential benefits of implementing industrial symbiosis and a description of the activities to be held during the event can be downloaded from this link

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