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The design conditions of old wind turbines are usually very conservative with respect to the reality of the sites in which they are located; hence, they have enormous potential that can be unlocked, in terms of life extension, performance improvement and maintenance optimization.
In this sense, the retipping solution proposed by Nabla Wind Hub aims to increase the rotor diameter of wind turbines in order to significantly affect energy production.
By upgrading the wind turbine rotor with modular configurable tip extension designs, Nabla is able to deliver increases in Annual Energy Production (AEP) of up to 15% and a significant reduction in Leveled Energy Cost (LCOE).

The goal of this solution is to carry out a redevelopment of the asset, reformulating the business plan of each wind farm, unlocking the hidden potential that the specific conditions of the site allow.

Why choose retipping:

  • is the most cost-effective re-blading solution
  • is a flexible solution: optimal AEP update adapted to each site
  • has minimal impact on the turbine
  • minimizes the authorization risks
  • has Fast Track certification through EC Directive 2006/42
  • plug & play: no need to change the controller
  • the installation is at the top without the use of cranes
  • installed and ready to use in 8 hours
  • the possibility of restoring the original configuration remains
  • best value for money
  • PBP 3 years (reference from the first fleet)
  • IRR 10% (reference from the first fleet)

Learn more about retipping

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