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New, refurbished or in need of blades substitution for operating wind turbines ? 

Our small size blades department focusses on pitch and stall regulated turbines ranging between 60 and 200 kW nominal power.

eTa Blades operates both on own design and on Built-to-print blades. In both cases we have adopted a strict Design to Cost methodology in order to provide our clients with the most efficient solution at minimal cost. Our competences on high quality materials, consolidated and reliable vacuum infusion processes allow quick delivery at high quality standards.

Our own designed blades are compatible with the most diffused turbine models in Europe and have a proven track record of over-performance if compared to other blades, showing power uplifts in the range of 50% vs. comparable blade models, at no expense in term of loads or vibrations on the turbine.

Our small size blades department focusses on rotors ranging between 60 and 200 kW.

Our competences in high quality materials, consolidated and reliable vacuum process infusion processes allows quick delivery at high quality standards.

eTa Blades operates both as manufacturer of own design blades, developed jointly with the Politecnico di Milano, and as Built-to-print manufacturer. In both cases we have adopted a strict Design to Cost methodology in order to provide clients with the most efficient solution at minimal cost.


Our own design pitch blade, our “best seller”, has become the standard for small wind, ensuring both minimal cost and maximum quality.

Find below the relevant details on this blade:

eTa 10.10


Our stall blades do not need aero-brake systems to limit peak power. At the moment we can provide two different stall blade models to our clients.

Find below the power curve of each blade:

eTa 11.80

eTa 14.0


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